Sneak peek of Touch of Rain

Sneak Peek of Touch of Rain

Here’s a sneak peek from my upcoming paranormal suspense novel, Touch of Rain (Imprints Book 1).

Broken Lies by Rachel Branton

Sneak Peek: Broken Lies, Lily’s House Book 5

I’ve been madly writing and at last I’ve finished the fifth novel in the Lily’s House series. It’s a full-length novel with over 300 pages. Yay! Here’s a sneak peek of the unedited first chapter.

Cowboys Can't Lie by Rachel Branton

Sneak Preview: Chapter 1 of Cowboys Can’t Lie

I’ve written this exclusively for my subscribers. I have the best readers anywhere. Thank you for the support!

Sketches (Colony 6, Book 1) by Teyla Branton

Cover Reveal for Sketches, Colony Six # 1

Yippee! It’s here, and the cover reflects one of my favorite scenes from the book.

Sneak Peek of Sketches (Colony Six, Book 1)

Sneak Peek of Sketches (Colony Six, Book 1)

It’s been a lot of fun exploring and inventing this new world. Here is a sneak peek of the first chapter. Enjoy!

Hearts Never Lie by Rachel Branton

Excerpt from Hearts Never Lie

Hearts Never Lie contains two interwoven stories about girls from Lily’s house Here’s a sneak peek of the second story, Ruth’s Choice.

Sketches, an upcoming novel by Teyla Branton

Excerpt from Sketches, Upcoming Novel

I meant to have this book out by now. Really. But the book is becoming more intricate and longer than anticipated. Good for readers, right?

Hearts Never Lie by Rachel Branton

Lily’s House Novellas Coming Soon, Cover Reveal

What happened to the runaway girls from Lily’s House? Read about some of them in the new book, Hearts Never Lie. Coming February 2017.

I Don't Want to Have Hot Toes ebook cover

Lisbon’s Misadventure Book 2, Making Progress

We’ve decided to go with the “I Don’t Want” theme after all, which threw out my favorite title. But we’ve have two new titles I like. Let me know what you think we should choose for BOOK 2!

Lisbon's Misadventures Book 2

Sneak Peek of Lisbon’s Misadventures Book 2

Here is a sneak peek of the artwork in Book 2 of Lisbon’s Misadventures. Which cover option do you like better?